Digital Democracy Series: A Right to Offline?

November 24, 2023

Last year SlashRoots launched the Digital Democracy Series, a live forum bringing together experts in civic tech, digital government, and social development with decision-makers and stakeholders for topical discussions on issues relating to digitization in the Caribbean.

On November 1st we had our first live discussion session in the series titled 'A Right to Offline?' unpacking critical questions around digitalisation and how it impacts access to services, citizen rights, and governance.

We had a great discussion with our expert panel, who shared insights on different approaches to societal-wide digital transformation being employed by countries around the world and the kinds of impact proponents are seeking to achieve. This discussion was followed by some very engaging questions from the audience.

The DDS holds space for discussions that explore, interrogate and imagine the kind of society we all want to create here in Jamaica and across the Caribbean with the rapid changes digital technologies enable. We are encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive response.

Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on the next event in the series.

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